The Tale of Two Bad Mice, which was first published in 1904, is the story about the adventures of Hunca Munca and Tom Thumb, two mice who break into a dollshouse. The occupants of the dollshouse are out for a walk at the time.
The two mice, particularly Tom Thumb, cause mahem and do a great deal of damage in the house. They shred feather beds, turn dishes upside down and smash plaster plates of pretend food all over the place.
Finally they run back to their mouse hole with several things they have taken from the house. The owner of the dollshouse, who is a little girl, responds to this bad behaviour by buying a policeman doll. However her Nurse buys a mousetrap.
Tom Thumb if very sorry for what he has done and in order to make recompense pays for all his breakages. Hunca Munca does her part by going into the dollshouse each morning to clean it.
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